Policy and Terms of Use

When using Windopeep Social Network you agree not to use it to:
a) post any content that is harmful, threatening, unlawful, abusive, harassing, tortuous, defamatory, profane, vulgar, obscene, invasive of another person’s privacy, hateful, fraudulent, discriminatory, provokes or encourages violence or is racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable;
b) impersonate any person or entity or misrepresent your relationship with any person or entity;
c) post any content that may damage the reputation or good will of the Windopeep or any of its associated organizations, affiliate companies and parent companies;
d) post any content which you do not have a right to post;
e) post any content that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary rights of any person or entity;
f) post any content that would infringe any South African law or any other law thereof;
g) provide any links to any website if the presence of such link and the content accessible through such link would breach the Terms of Use;
h) post or otherwise transmit any unsolicited or unauthorized commercial advertising or promotional materials;
i) post any material that contains viruses of software or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, damage, destroy or minimize the functionality efficiency of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment.
We do not guarantee the truthfulness of any information on this website and will not be held responsible for any incorrect information.
You here by acknowledge that any information submitted to us is true and Windopeep will not be held responsible for any false information or contents submitted on our site, Windopeep will not be held liable for any damages as a result.
Be advised that your name will be captioned for any content you post on our website to hold you an Author or Originator of the content and this will be achieved by an arrangement with the Author or Originator depending on the nature of material and content.
All content that (text), pictures and videos posted on the site shall be genuine pictures which solely belong to you, and should not infringe any copyright or unlawful of any Act thereof and should not violate the rights of anyone or organization.
We reserve the right to withdraw any information on this website without any notice and any information posted by you as a result of miscommunication or misconception and/or a tip off of such information being regarded as untrue or old.
Your personal information that is your email, phone number, physical address will not be displayed or shared to the third party unless permission is given to us to do so.
You agree that using our website is entirely at your own risk and we (Windopeep) will not be held responsible for any dealing and/or delivery of any type of goods between you and the third parties on this site. Any dealings facilitated on this website shall be between you and the third party and any dispute that may arise as a result will not include any of Windopeep partners and organization whether the nature of the dispute is known or unknown, suspected or not. You agree that under no obligation will Windopeep and its parent company be involved in any misunderstanding that may arise in any dealings, transactions and interactions between you and the third party. You agree that we (Windopeep) will not be held responsible for any damage or loss that may arise in any dealings with you and the third party.
Note that our website may contain link to other site and leaving our site means we do not have control over other site and we will not be held responsible for any content that you come across as a result, it is entirely up to visitors to familiarize themselves with the terms and conditions of such websites.
The user can request his/her post be removed at anytime he/she feels insecure about it.
Anyone who wished to share any information in any form should link such information back to the website.

We have no control over third party information that is displayed on this website and do not own any intellectual rights of current and future information that could be found on this website, use this website at your own discretion and recommendations for the use of this site is individual over the age of 18.
Violation of any of the above terms is likely to lead to the immediate removal of all material posted on the Blog by you without notice, any information posted to us that violate the privacy or right of any individual to whom your content resembles and no permission was granted in that regard renders you solely liable for any legal actions that could be leveled against you.