Make It Work No Matter What

When a child was born, the child out grows childhood and finally becomes a man or a woman, when a athlete runs a marathon the expectation is to start and finish, a rat digs a hole it finally resides in it, a crocodile tries or catches its prey. Life has a beginning and will eventually end. Students start school but few finish, entrepreneurs start businesses but few make it to success, men/women start marriages only a few sustain it until deaths do them apart, people start relationships but cannot run them to finish.

What exactly is finish? Finish is the realization of the anticipated results due to the will to start. This can be defined in many ways to fit certain contexts. Beginning a journey it’s an important part of any happening but one needs to equip one with all the necessities to have a good journey, we may run short of all these necessities but as we go along the way we meet people and occasions that help us achieve what we are in the quest for. If we self drive ourselves with the courage that has a potential of helping us survive then we have nothing to lose and everything to gain. We can run this marathon to the end and claim victory. We can make it work no matter how hard it may seem to be.